23-24-25 October 2023

Define the foundation of a zero defects culture through assuring quality from the source.
The Tools Of A Lean Production System Are Designed To Identify Problems
The Tools Of A Lean Production System Are Designed To Identify Problems
Quality is the best strategy for growing our company and to be able to create the work culture we are looking for.
The level of quality you are looking for can be reached through rigorous execution of the standard procedures and their improvement.
In this workshop we will focus in how to take more advantage from our actual quality system, improving the way we use it and manage it in a daily basis.

Date: 23-24-25 October 2023
Language: Romanian
Who should participate: senior managers, leaders and middle managers who are interested in improving the flexibility of their processes to better serve their customers.
Learn about Jidoka Elements:
Problem Solving Training – Main Objectives:
Define the foundation of a zero defects culture by improving the knowledge of our product and processes.
Present mechanisms and strategies to better understand all the elements that are part of a practical Quality System.
Review the main factors to improve our quality levels through the participation from all the organizational levels.
Built-in Quality aims to pass only good products throughout the process
Participants will split into teams to perform activities in the shop floor and present their observations.

Practical Learning
Learn the concepts from examples, group exercises and trainers’ experience

Group Discussion
Share experiences with managers from different industries and background

Shop Floor Exercises
The training is hosted by a factory, with activities direct in the process area
Fabrica Gazdă: Inteva Products – Salonta, Romania
Inteva Products Salonta produce zăvoare, regulatoare de geam și cabluri mecanice pentru mai mulți producători de automobile de clasă mondială.