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Total Productive Maintenance

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Învățați baza unui sistem de producție de succes, TPM, cunoscut și sub numele de Toyota Productive Maintenance. Învățați cum să implementați elementele TPM în cadrul timpului de viață al utilajelor. Aflați modul în care TPM îmbunătățește munca în echipă a diferitelor departamente.
Built-in Quality

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Definiți fundația unei culturi cu zero defecte prin asigurarea calității de la sursă.
Înțelegeți toate elementele care fac parte dintr-un Sistem de Calitate practic.
Revizuiți factorii principali pentru îmbunătățirea nivelului calității prin participarea întregii organizații.
Lean for Business Processes

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Puteți să vă înregistrați oricând, la care Webinarii doriți și de asemenea, la câte doriți.
Completați căsuțele de mai jos pentru înregistrare:

Going beyond the typical Lean Implementation
3 November 2016
We will discuss the main misunderstandings of the typical “Lean Implementation” and share best practices in how to approach the Lean Journey for successful long term benefits of embracing the Lean Management system.
Understand the difference beetween the Cost cutting Lean Approach (doomed to failure) VS the Organic Lean Management Philosophy.
- Everyone should be prepared to discuss and offer suggestions.
- Time: 11 a.m. Bucharest/ 12 p.m. Moscow Time
- Duration: 40 min of main presentation + 20 min of Questions & Answer
- Language: English (this is an international participacion webinar)
- Capacity: 50 Participants
Mikhail has more than 20 years experience in manufacturing and supply chain operations.
He worked with multinational companies such as Colgate-Palmolive, Benckiser, Frito Lay, 3M and with Russian companies. He believes that Lean thinking should change companies from poor productivity to world class performance.
I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate on several American and European regions, helping organizations on their transformation journeys to operational excellence levels, focusing the efforts on developing their people to achieve sustainable high performance.
- Definition of Lean
- Common reasons of Lean Strategy Failures
- Alignment of the entire organization
- Lean is not a speed race but an endurance race
- Leadership Engagement for a Lean Transformation
- Focus in Financial and Cultural benefits
- Q&A

The Value Stream Management Approach
17 of November 2016
Explain the essentials and the benefits of managing our operations by Value Streams, compare it with the traditional way of operations, which are the challenges and the methodology for Value Stream Mapping, which give a systematicall view of where to improve in order to increase the total performance from our Value Stream Flow.
Understand the power of Value Stream Mapping, how to read it and see cases in different kind of operations.
- Time: 11 a.m. Bucharest/Moscow Time (UTC +3h)
- Duration: 40 min of main presentation + 20 min of Questions & Answer
- Language: English (this is an international webinar)
- Capacity: 50 Participants
I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate on several American and European regions, helping organizations on their transformation journeys to operational excellence levels, focusing the efforts on developing their people to achieve sustainable high performance.
Mikhail has more than 20 years experience in manufacturing and supply chain operations.
He worked with multinational companies such as Colgate-Palmolive, Benckiser, Frito Lay, 3M and with Russian companies. He believes that Lean thinking should change companies from poor productivity to world class performance.

Daily Management System Introduction
16 January 2017
Explain how can be done the alignment of the organization’s goals and activities, both vertically and horizontally
Learn core framework for daily management system to engage every level of management and team members towards driving business result
- Time: 5 p.m. Bucharest/Moscow Time (UTC +3h)
- Language: English (this is an international webinar)
- Duration: 40 min of main presentation + 20 min of Questions & Answer
- Capacity: 50 Participants
Jeff worked for Toyota for over 21 years; his extensive experience is based in Operations Management in Toyota North America as Manager and internal consultant. Jeff was member of the Leadership team for the launch of two “Greenfield” automotive plants and subsequent plant capacity expansions valued in $4.2 billion USD. During his tenure at Toyota, Jeff also spent 3 years of “internal consulting” with improvement projects at Toyota and Tier 1 suppliers plants.