Online course with over 650 people ready to learn from the best leaders.


In this online summit, participants from all over the globe learned from world-wide leaders, how to become better and begin or continue their company improvements.


In July, we conducted the Lean Leadership Masterclass online summit, which lasted 3 days, with participants from around the world like Romania, Mexico, Portugal, France, Poland, Russia and US, etc and from different industries.

This Livestreaming Masterclass focused on changing the mentality of the participants, to become even better leaders, in order to understand and share, within their own company, the Lean culture to continuously improve their own systems and also the people within the company.

We had the honor to have 13 incredible World-Class Leaders as trainers:

lean leadership masterclass

They shared with us their experiences and learning, gained as Plant Managers, Vice-presidents, Directors and other top Management Positions, addressing topics such as:

The Toyota Way Leadership in Times of Crisis

Lean servant Leadership and Coaching to develop efficient organization and teams

How HR embodies Lean Strategy and Influence Businesses to Succeed

The Lean Transformation success model

Disruptive Lean Leadership and Management for a disruptive world

Lean Leadership as a key factor for Lean Culture Transformation

Leading and developing people from the Gemba

Coronavirus shock: advice from Toyota

Creating flexible and adaptable organizations

How to create a system of people who are willing and able to solve problems

How to come back stronger from the COVID Crisis using digital technologies

Lessons from Japan Leadership

Learning from Toyota Failures to become stronger

Do you want to go further? Please contact us.

Lean Culture, Kaizen, Gemba, Leadership, Lean, Toyota, Leadership, Masterclass, Online Course, Online Live Streaming, Course, Training, Online Training, Lean Manufacturing, world Class Manufacturing, 5S, Lean Leadership, Lean Management, Lean Summit, Online summit

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