Gemba practice with participants from different industries, learning about lean manufacturing concepts and continuous improvement.
In this workshop participants learned and practiced Lean principles in the gemba of the host company, Inteva Products.

This week we had our workshop training, hosted by Inteva Products in Salonta. Participants from different departments and industries joined to learn Toyota (Lean) principles like: PDCA, 5s, Built-in Quality, SMED, TPM, Jidoka and Andon, among others.
During this training, participants learned about continuous improvement and how to introduce and maintain it throughout their own company. This practical training focused on gemba practice in Inteva’s shopfloor.
The Lean Manufacturing Training was concentrated on changing the mindset of participants in order to understand the Lean culture and share it in their own company to continuously improve their own systems and production lines.
The most important thing for leading a Lean Company represents going to gemba and observating the processes, not trying to resolve them from the office.
Do you want to go further? Please contact us
Leadership, Management TPM, Lean, Kaizen, Gemba, Lean Management, Lean Leadership, Lean Manufacturing, TPM, 5S, Gemba Training, Lean Course, Lean Training,Lean Culture